Fasting Benefits

Fasting has amazing benefits. It draws you closer to God, gives perspective, and boosts your health. If you can’t fast food for a day, give up coffee or sweets. Here are several reasons to fast.

A spiritual fast can help you overcome negative habits.

Reflecting on scripture during a fast is powerful and can help your prayer life.

Worship is another aspect during fasting that will become more intimate. Giving glory to God in worship will re-energize your spirit.

Fasting gives emotional strength during trials and times of anxiety.

Try fasting about a relationship that has been turbulent. The Holy Spirit can minister where there are wounds and bring healing.

All of us get too busy with life and miss important time with Jesus. Fasting will help you refocus on Him.

Fasting is good for physical health and helps remove toxins, especially if you replace meals by drinking fresh water or juice.

Sacrificing meals or behaviors will create a fresh devotion to God.

Getting quiet during this time of fasting helps you pause. This might take some practice as we are so connected to our electronic devices, but unplugging will help you unwind and be still.

A period fasting for others creates unity. It gets you mind off your own worries and allows you to intercede on the behalf of others.

Fasting can add years to your life.

It can lower blood pressure and also keep bad cholesterol at bay.

Intermittent fasting could lower risks of diabetes.

Fasting reintroduces God’s Word. Find a scripture that really speaks to you.

Reflecting on scripture during a fast is powerful and can help your prayer life.

Fasting leads to better self-control. Over a period time, a fast, will teach self-control and better will-power.

With fasting, you can lose weight by cutting calories and losing body fat.

If you skipped just one meal a month, you could reduce risks of clogged arteries, one report suggests. Also fasting could help lower risks of heart disease and Alzheimer’s.